Who Do I Contact in an Emergency?
Please note, Book My Therapy is not a crisis team.
If you are in crisis and need urgent assistance, please contact either your GP, 111 or go to the Mental Health Foundation Directory to get the number for your region.
If you're worried someone may be suicidal, please contact your local Ministry of Health Crisis Assessment Team.
Free Counselling Support Options
Need to Talk - free call or text 1737 any time with trained counsellor or support worker
Lifeline - 24/7 free confidential service. Phone: 0800 543 354
Depression Helpline - Phone 0800 111 757
I am Hope / Gumboot - has 2 free sessions for anyone aged 5 to 25
Samaritans - 24/7 helpline, operated by volunteers. Phone: 0800 726 666
EAP funded counselling paid for by your employer
Some medical insurance companies will pay for counselling
Counselling Resources
Parent Help - Offer support and advise relating to parenting. Phone: 0800 568 856
Just a Thought - free online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to improve your mental health